Frequently Asked Questions.

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Can I pay without a PayPal account?

Yes, you can.
Step 1: Click on the "PayPal" button.
Step 2: Select the "Pay with a Bank Account or Credit Card" button.
Step 3: Enter your card details.
Step 4: Confirmation.

Can I trademark my logo with a font?

You may use a font as part of your logo, as long as the original asset is modified and not the dominant element of the logo.

Can multiple members of my team use the licensed font?

Yes, but make sure you purchase a Number of Users (on the checkout page) that is consistent with the amount of users.

Can I use the licensed font for client work?

Yes. You can sublicense the asset to a client, when you’re transferring them a completed End Use.

Can a freelancer, contractor, or agency working for me use the licensed font?

If a contractor needs to use the font in relation to a project of yours, you can sublicense it while making sure to purchase the right amount of user seats.

How can I store the licensed font?

Customers can only use the font on a personal server or private cloud storage service, cloud-based design app, or digital asset manager fully owned and controlled by the Licensee. The font should only be available for use by the Licensee

Strictly Prohibited

You may not re-sell, share, transfer, or redistribute this file as a separate attachment to any of your projects. This file cannot be used in a product for sale where the item contributes to the core value of the product. It may not be used in a pornographic, defamatory, or deceptive context, or in a libelous, obscene, or illegal way.

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